Today I was thinking about what a lucky girl I am.
I have, without a doubt the bestest friends EVER.
I don't know how I got so lucky, but I am thankful.
Of course-there is my Toddy.
My love. My sweet.
Very best friend. My lovey-dovey. My sweetheart.
This boy puts a smile on my face no matter what. I haven't seen him for 103 days and I'm still head over heels in-love.
He makes me feel the happiest I've ever been. I still get butterflies just thinking of him.
I can't imagine life without him.
He is my happiness.

My Katie Lynn.
We just click, the 2 of us.
Its super handy to have your bestie live across the street.
I adore her. We know everything about each other. We understand each other.
She is too good for words.
We've already decided to grow old together.
We can just look at each other and know what the other is thinking--then bust out laughing.
I have ab muscles cause of her.

Kelsie Ann.
We haven't been friends for super long.. But we got close quick, and I love her for that.
After Todd left, I felt a bit lonely. Kels filled that lonesome part of me so fast.
She is the happiest girl I've met and a super good example to me.
I think I talk to her 24/7. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cassie {left} & Chelsea {right}
LOVE them. These two are the most positive, happy, sweet girls on this earth.
Chels is waiting for a missionary, too.. Cassie is about to.
We're lucky to have each other. These are the girls I turn to when I need a pick-me-up.

Cute Cameron! :)
I love this boy. I've known him for a really long time and we've just bonded perfectly.
He is my closest guy friend, no doubt about it.
He is a gentlemen.. His momma raised him right. He opens the doors for me, compliments me, pays for me {even when I tell him NOT to..} He is incredible.
I'd be sad without this wonderful boy in my life.

Sarah Kay {Miss Springville!:)}
I adore Sarah. She's been my life saver. She has helped me through sooo many things.
She is an incredible example. She is genuinely caring for everyone. Seriously, everyone.
She always has something nice to say, she is full of energy.
She's a beauty.

Amy {left} & Steph {right}
These girls are RAD. Both are waiting for missionaries, like me!
They tell it how it is, they comfort you when you're sad.
They are always there to crack a joke and make something hilarious.

Jenna Goose.
Life long friend, here. I've known her since..umm..forever.
She has always been my dear. I love her.
We've always lived very close to each other. We help each other out.
She is such a honey and a strong, strong girl, despite her trials.
Love her.

This girl has kept me sane.
She helped me through my first break up. The one I thought I'd never live through! {baha}
She is tiny and sweet. I adore her.
She is goofy and such a joy to be around.