I've been wanting to do a new post for a while, now, but I just haven't been able to think of anything worth posting about. To be honest, I still have no idea what I should talk about but I figured I might as well start typing and see where that leads me. We'll see if I even finish this post and publish it, its very possible I'll just delete it then get back to my day.
Wait, I've got it.
If you remember from a previous post, one of my new years resolutions was to
read the scriptures daily, and also
make my scripture study more meaningful. Guess what? I've read them
every day this year, so far. I've always been pretty good at reading, daily, but I've noticed a lot of times my "study" would consist of reading a few verses then going about my day,
wishing I could apply what I read about in my life, but never taking any action in making that wish a reality.
So that is what
I've been working hard on this year of twenty-twelve.
And its been life-changing.
I've always had a testimony of the Book of Mormon, even when I was very young, thanks to my daddy and his strong testimony of the Book of Mormon that I was able to sort of lean on for several years. As I got older I began developing a more personal, independent testimony. For a while, though, my testimony dealing with the Book of Mormon was very stationary, never really getting bigger or more powerful, mostly just standing still...up until January 1st, 2012.
I was in the middle of the Book of Mormon at the end of 2011, but like I said, my personal study wasn't that deep or meaningful, so I made the decision to start over and do everything in my power to make it more spiritual, powerful and deep. I also went into this new study habit with the attitude of dedicating some major time to studying this great book. I've had to change my thought process. If I have time to do homework, play with my family, be with Craig, exercise, take naps, etc, then there is no reason I don't also have time to spend in my scriptures. I totally have that time. No excuses. Even if it is two in the morning and all I want to do is snuggle up in my bed and sleep, I now hold myself to a higher standard knowing that I have to study my scriptures, even if its just a verse or two. I have vowed to always say a prayer before I read and really focus on what it is I'm reading, even if I'm crunched on time. It doesn't seem like you're really reading your scriptures if, by the end of your "study" you can't even say what you read about, you know? And I don't want to do that kind of "studying," anymore. I want the good stuff. The thing is, you can learn a lot from just one verse and I want to learn something from every verse. There's a reason those verses made it into the scriptures and its up to me to figure out why that verse and those words are relevant in my life.
And there you have it. My post I've been wanting to do for a while, now.
I knew I could come up with something if I just started...and I'd say the topic of The Book of Mormon is a pretty good one, yeah?
Until next time, my friends..