Yesterday I got the ever so thrilling job of helping Savannah with her spelling homework. There are a whole bunch of activities she can choose to do involving her spelling words for that week and she has had her eye on one in specific for some time.. Writing a story using all of your spelling words. Our mommy is a
very smart lady and told Buggie not to do that one because it would be a
pain in the butt. To make a long story short..Savannah did not listen and chose to do the story and lucky me I got to help her.
I've got to say..Although it was in fact, a huge pain in the butt and took us probably 2 hours..I'm very proud of our result. We should probably publish it..
So please, enjoy the wonderful story..
Once there was a hawk and it ran into a tower as fast as hawks could fly. Right after it hit the tower it fell on a mans bald head. The man made an unfortunate discovery, the hawk's claw was ripped and broken.
So the bald man took the hawk to his house to see if he could help it, and when the news reporter's came they could not find the hawk and they decided to report on the hawks disappearance instead. When the man went undercover to save the hawk, he wrapped up the hawk to make the people think it was a baby. When he got home he uncovered the hawk and checked on the fawn that he had rescued the week before. He was a loyal owner to his animals that he rescues.
"It would be my fault if one of them die's" he said. "It would haunt me forever."
Then the hawk started to stalk and prowl the deer. There was a scowl on the hawks face, he thought the fawn was a coward.
The man had to pause and think of what he could do to calm the hawk down.
The hawk chased the fawn away, and a minute lator the fawn reappeared.
The man said to the hawk I will treat you like you are royal and I will give you a moist cookie if you stop bugging the fawn. The hawk stopped.
Eventually the animals got better so it was time to relese them. The man hugged the animals a thousand times.
First he set the fawn free and then it did a somersault and the man was afraid that the fawn hurt its joint. But he didnt!
Next was the hawk, he picked up the 160 ounce animal. He let him launch into the sky, at first its flight was a little awkward and the man was afraid that he would fall in the pond and drown.
Then the hawk picked himself up and flew into the sunset.
(in fancy handwriting)