i'm chelseakate. my daddy calls me boj. thanks for visiting. enjoy. xoxo.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Lesson Learned

You know when something sounds like a really good idea and then later on you question your sanity, wondering why on earth you would have thought that idea was a good one?

I've got three words for you:

7 am History.


On a typical night, I'm not even asleep until after 2am. If I want to look any sort of cute and ready for school, I have to wake up around 5 or 5:30. (i swear that should be a sin) Are you doing the math? I'll do it for you. It equals no sleep.

For some reason when I was signing up for classes a few months ago, I thought I would magically transform into a morning person. In comes the questioning of my sanity. I've known myself my entire life and never, never, ever, not even once, have I been a morning person. So then whyyyyyyy the 7 am class, Chelsea? WHY?! You know how much you loathe waking up so early! Not to mention its history... History is a cool subject, I actually am a lot more into it than I ever was in high school (btw, still so glad those days are d.o.n.e.) but regardless, its not something I want to think and be quizzed about so early in the morning..not that there are a lot of things I want to think and be quizzed about that early, but still. History is an especially difficult early-morning subject.

If I don't learn anything else this semester, I've learned this: Early classes stink. 

{but I really hope I learn a few more things than that..just sayin'.}

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