Lame? Nerdy? Odd? HECK YES!
but i say yes because i am in it for a good laugh..
This boy who's name will not be mentioned took me on a date a few weeks ago and well..it wasn't a fun one, lets say.. some parts were fun, others.. NOT. like the part where he thought it was SOO funny to shove me HARD down onto a huge bean bag chair then run and dive on me over & over & over no matter how many times i said to stop, ow or tried to run away! i'm not kidding i think he made me bleed internally. butt head.
so i figure a texting date wouldn't be as bad..
it was possibly the same..
i dunno..
you be the judge..
this is how it went..
mr. dating pro said: "wannu go on a textin' date with me Chelsea"
i follow with.. "ummm.. sure?"
a little later..
mr. dating pro: "I'll send you the rules."
miss in-it-for-a-good-giggle (me): "k"
mr. dating pro: "RULES. Treat this like a real date. Don't text anyone else while on this date. And talk to me like we were with each other. Which means it will be personal."
miss in-it-for-a-good-giggle: "sounds like a plan."
hopefully not too personal!
oh & btw i was totally texting other people.. its not like he could tell what i was doing!
mr. dating pro: "K just sit somewhere and think of only me and I'll do the same with u. Its more real that way doll."
weird right? yeah..thats what i thought, too.
i really don't want to sit around and think of him. if i try to do that i think i start making disgusted faces and almost die.
mr. dating pro: "I just picked u up."
miss in-it-for-a-good-giggle: "oh good!"
this is SO exciting! .........not.
mr. dating pro: "So hows your day been?"
miss iifagg: "Pretty good. And yours?"
mr. dating pro: "Chelsea your treating this too much like texting. We're on a date. My day was good."
this guy here is a charmer, yeah?
miss iifagg: "Oh sorry! So where are we going on our date?"
mr. dating pro: "My backyard. Lets star gaze."
miss iifagg: "Sweet. Lets do it."
mr. dating pro: "Oh ya, if you put something in these: () those are the actions we're doing on the date.
miss iifagg: (smiling) okay.
i'm awesome.
k..so there is more awkward small talk until FINALLY we got to his backyard (it took us like.. half an hour to get there.) we got on his tramp with a blanket and pillow (SOOOOOO glad this date is basically fake right now btw) and we lay there and look at the stars..
here are some more good ones..
miss iifagg: "(looking at stars) pretty."
mr dating pro: "(looking at his beautiful date) I know, you are."
miss iifagg: "(looking at stars) I like the big bright one."
mr dating pro: "(looking at Chelsea Walker) You're more beautiful than stars."
miss iifagg: "(looking at stars) Well, thanks!"
i didn't want to look at my date. we were STAR GAZING. so i was GAZING at the STARS.. but that wasn't okay with mr. dating pro..
mr. dating pro: "(looking at his date) I think you should look at me."
miss iifagg: "(looking at date) Look at that star! (point at star, look at star)"
mr. dating pro: "time out. do you not like looking at me?"
miss iifagg: "I love stars. I'm imagining them very pretty tonight.. But I'll look at you."
The rest of the date was.. Well.. Awkward and weird. Yikes. Am I lucky or what?!
But here was the icing on the cake.. Let me catch you up..
He drove me home and he just walked me to the door.. Oh! We were holding hands on the way to the door.. (Again.. SOOOOOOO glad this is a fake date!)
mr. dating pro: "Well Chelsea its been so fun. Lets do this again?"
miss iifagg: "Okee dokee."
mr. dating pro: "Okay bye Chelsea. (long hug and kiss)"
no way this is going down..
miss iifagg: "Bye. (goes inside)"
mr. dating pro: "No hug and kiss?"
i didn't answer for several minutes..
mr. dating pro: "Chelsea, I hugged and kissed you so you have to go with it."
miss iifagg: "Oh."
mr. dating pro: "You gotta say it. Its the rules."
k..you guys read the rules.. NOWHERE did it say you have to end the "date" even if it is FAKE with a kiss!! ick, ick ICK!! I refuse to even think it. Blech.
again..I do not answer for some time..
mr. dating pro: "Chels?"
miss iifagg: "Oh sorry, I'm falling asleep! Thanks for the date. Lets talk tomorrow, k?!"
mr. dating pro: "Oh alright, night Chelsea. Thanks! (kiss)"
guess what? I wasn't falling asleep! :) hee.. i'm rad.
see.. for some boys.. i'd consider "kissing" them on our texting date.. but you guys don't understand! this guy.. wowie! no. i'm sorry. i'm afraid if i kiss him on a texting date then he'll kiss me on a real date. that is if i ever say yes again to him..
well then.. that was my texting date. i know i was kind of harsh.. i feel sort of bad, too. sort of.
so i promise tomorrow i will text him and tell him sorry and all that.. i guess.
i'm really not that mean of a person, i promise.
and don't get me wrong.. this guy is actually a very nice guy and he means well. really. i promise he does. he is just a little awkward and yeah..not my type. but that doesn't mean that i shouldn't talk to him, right?! i hate when people do that. so i try not to be one of those people.
i usually quite enjoy texting him. he is fun to talk to and is quite understanding and supportive and sweet.
today he just..wasn't his best.
oh & ps.. isnt' IIFAGG an awesome name for me?! bahahahaha!!