i'm chelseakate. my daddy calls me boj. thanks for visiting. enjoy. xoxo.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sleepless in Springville

Its been a while since I've posted about how annoying it is not being able to sleep, huh? Right. So it looks as if the time has come for another one! I figure posting may be more exciting than googling pictures of bunnies, which may be what I've been doing for the past half hour of my life. Don't judge me, there is just NOTHING to do at night. Plus, bunnies are cute.

Last night I pulled an unintentional all-nighter. Thats the worst kind of all-nighter, if you ask me. The kind where every second of your sleepless night you're wishing you were asleep or at least tired, or even kind of tired. Ugh. Worst. Throughout most of the night all I wanted to do was go on a run...but I was pretty darn sure my parents wouldn't be too happy about me leaving at 4 in the morning to run around Springville. So I stayed home and went crazy a bit longer.

In other news, school starts on Monday. I'm dreading it because its school, but at the same time I'm sort of excited. Christmas break has been all sorts of great (except for getting sick, that parts not cool) but the days filled with no plan or purpose are getting kind of old. I'm thinking having homework will be good for me, although I'm sure in a few days/weeks when I do have homework, I'll be kicking myself for saying that! Ah, school.

Well, friends, I hope you're all sleeping. As for me, I'm still wide awake but I think I'll give getting some shut-eye another chance. Now I leave you with some cute things I found on the internet whilst battling insomnia. Goodnight. xoxo.

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