i'm chelseakate. my daddy calls me boj. thanks for visiting. enjoy. xoxo.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Encyclopedia of Yours Truly

My mommy-dear got this idea from her friend, Landee.

The idea is awesome. So, I, like my mommy, have decided to copy her, as well.

Its a doozy trying to explain this "project" so bear with me.

I'm going to be doing posts...about me. Like...random facts/things about yours truly.

They could be long, or they could be short. You'll never know.

It is called, "Me: The Abridged Version."

The idea behind this, is one day, to compile a book...as my mom put it, an Encyclopedia of Chelsea.

My future family can read through it and learn about good ol' Chelsea and what goes on inside her mind.

Get it?! Kinda-maybe?!

Sorry, I did say it was hard to explain.

Anywho... I'll be labeling these posts as "Yours Truly" or maybe, "M:TAV." Also, I'll label them with whatever letter the post begins with... type thing.

Holy, I feel like I'm blabbering in a different language.

How about this. This: davmarwalker.blogspot.com is my mommy's blog. She explains it better. Read hers, if you feel interested in learning about my "project." I believe the title of her post is, "Well, here goes nothin'!"

Enjoy it.

I guess in the words of my mother, dearest...

Here goes nothin'!

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