i'm chelseakate. my daddy calls me boj. thanks for visiting. enjoy. xoxo.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reading...Someday, I will.

Since, forever, I've maintained a strong, love/hate relationship with reading. I've always loved the idea of reading. You know, curling up in a blanket by the fireplace, on a rainy day and getting lost in the world of your text. It sounds so lovely. However, I've never been one to achieve that pretty imagery.

My problem is, I begin a book, and the second something happens I don't like, (which usually seems to be very early on in the book) I put the book down...forever. Sadly, I even did this with books I was assigned to read in school.

There is the rare occasion I finish a book, and enjoy reading it, but this probably happens less than once a year. Here's to hoping with time, I'll change and become that pleasant looking lady, reading, peacefully by the fireplace.

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