i'm chelseakate. my daddy calls me boj. thanks for visiting. enjoy. xoxo.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Out of the Orbit

I have an adorable friend named, Whitney. A few days ago, she did a phenomenal post that really got me thinking.

The title of her post is as follows: "We all live in our own orbits, but in the creators design of it all, life allows us and leads us into hundreds of other people's orbits... which in return... allows us to grow and understand our grand purpose on this earth."

The big point that I really got out of it, was that we have so many opportunities to interact with other people, who could really end up blessing our lives, but so often, we're so caught up in ourselves, that we end up missing out on all these potentially life changing experiences. We are too absorbed in our own daily lives, to see what else is out there and take those chances. As she put it, we're in our orbits and we rarely take the opportunity to reach out to people, learn about them, and learn from them. I love when she says, "people are our greatest resource."

Her post goes on to explain all the benefits of letting our orbits interact with others orbits. Think about it, we can learn so much from people, we can gain so much and definitely come out better people because of it. ...so why aren't we doing it?!

She ends her post leaving her readers with a challenge. The challenge? Reaching out to someone. Talking to someone, alone or not. Get out of your comfort zone, a bit and reap the blessings of doing so.

I'm taking the challenge. I think you should, too.

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