If you've read my previous post, you will recall that there is a boy who really enjoys pressing my buttons in my Portuguese class. Well, I have another story for you, regarding him, yet, again.
K. So I was just sitting in Portuguese, focusing all I could on the lesson, when Mr. Annoying leans over {yes, he sat next to me, again, today} and sets a piece of paper on my desk.
Below, I've scanned in our note... But you just can't read his light pencil, he chose to use. So, allow me to interpret... And give you the background details, too, of course.
He passes it to me, and it says:
I really admire your work ethic and hard work in class. Don't give up on whatever your dream may be. I can't wait to get to know you better as class progresses.
Mr. Annoying {except, it says his real name}"
I look at the paper, don't touch it, read it, then look back up at the professor. Aka I ignored him.
Mr. Annoying sits there, staring at me, for a few minutes, then leans over, grabs the paper off my desk, scribbles some words on it, and hands it back to me.
I read what he said... It looked like it said "doss Gack." I don't know what that means, though. So I ignored it. Then he leaned over, again, and whispered evily, "Pass back!"
I decided to have some fun with him, so I picked up the paper, and passed it back to him. He grabbed the paper, glared at me, set it back on my desk and told me I had to write on it.
So, then I write:
"Oh, thanks!"
...and pass it back...
He writes, passes it back to me:
"I can help you with your portuguese since your so behind"
{what a poo. why would he say that?!}
I write back:
"Well, thanks, but I'm doing study group and signed up to go to the tutor and, I know some people who can help me out."
I pass it to him, he passes it back... (I felt like I was in fifth grade with all this note passing)
"Your waisting paper"
Uhm.. What? Thanks, dude.
I mean, really. I don't even know what he meant by that.
Oh, and by the way, I'm spelling everything as he spelled it. I didn't make those spelling and grammar mistakes, just so you know.
I take a minute...and write back:
"Okay : )"
He takes it, glares, again...his favorite facial expression, I think, and writes back:
I didn't pass the note back, after that.
Here is the original, hard-to-read copy.
He's just adorable, right?! He is the creepiest slash worst flirt I've met, and believe me, I've met some weird and creepy flirts, before! Here is what really bothers me, though. I wear a wedding ring to school...its job is to ward off weird-ee's who may try to come onto me, and usually, it works. Not this time, though, of course. With my moms help, we decided next time he tries to "flirt," I'm going to have to give him the speech, "Hi, I'm married, my husband wouldn't approve of your creeper actions, I suggest you stop..." You know, that kind of stuff..
So that was that.
Then, I'm walking back to my car. More like, I'm hiking back to my car, up and down the 702.69 stairs I have to travel across and up the multiple hills, that are all most likely a 98 degree incline, and at the first cross walk I cross, a big, white "pimped-out" suburban pulls up next to me with a handsome looking college boy, who politely asks, "Can I drive you to where you need to be?!" Sure, sure, he was attractive, but my inner stranger-danger alarm was going BEEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!! I turned him down, telling him my car was just up that hill {that really, really steep, hot, dirty hill} and that I'd be fine. He then continues with, "are you sure? Its kind of a long way..." "Its hot outside..." "Its no problem for me..." Ick. Don't worry, I stuck to my gut feeling and kept rejecting his not-so-kind-sounding-now, offers, and went back to walking up the hill of evil. That guy wanted me in his car waaaayyy to badly. Again, I say it, ick.
Then, I'm about mid-hill, and a little beat-up, quite dumpy looking greenish/brown car pulls up to me. Guess what was inside?! Mr. Annoying!!! GAH! Can't catch a break! "Hey, Chelsea, can I drive you to your car or your apartment?!"
First of all, ew. Second of all, ew. And third of all, H no! you can't Mr. Annoying! Why would I want you knowing where I live or what my car looks like!
I told him, not as sweetly, as I did the first guy, my car was just in the parking lot to my right and I'd be fine. Mr. Annoying continues with, "We should talk and get to know each other, more!" This time, I glared. Said, no thanks, and the car behind him honked and he drove away.
Dear Driver of the Car Behind Mr. Annoying,
I love you. We should be friends.
Love, Chels
That was my college adventure, today.
Since I was at school, and I just get filled with knowledge there, let me briefly tell you what I learned.
1. Mr. Annoying is still really annoying, and writes stupid notes.
2. Even handsome guys, in pimped-out suburbans can be freak-show attackers.
3. My inner stranger-danger alarm is working well.
4. I should find a new parking spot that doesn't require so much hiking, etc.
5. My backpack probably weighs more than my dad.