It is recommended that you drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day. For those of you, like me, who hate math, allow me to be terribly kind and do the math for you. That equals 64 ounces of water a day.
I was evaluating my health the other day and made a few personal goals regarding how I can become healthier. One of them was to start drinking the recommended amount of water. {and maybe lay off downing Diet Coke like theres no tomorrow}
Did you know drinking 64 ounces of water a day feels like you're slowly drowning yourself throughout the day?
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yes, i have an epic batman blankie |
Holy cow.
Imma toot my own horn here real quick. I've been averaging about 96-128 ounces of water a day.
Maybe I am drowning myself?
Now comes the "rant."
Drinking water is great! So healthy! It keeps your skin clear, helps you maintain/lose weight in a healthy manner, it flushes toxins from your body, keeps you hydrated, gives you more energy, I think I've heard it helps your brain work better?...You know...good stuff.
But want to know the heavy-duty downside?
You have to go to the bathroom allllllllllllllllll the time!!
All. The. Time.
I do the potty-dance 24/7. I even find myself waking up in the few hours that I manage to sleep because my bladder was so full.
Ah, the perks to being a healthy person...along with the "perks" those kettlebells brought me...SO, SO sore. My arms and shoulders don't work, in case you wondered. (but that is a different post)
Okay. Thats it.
I have to sprint to the bathroom, now...(been doin' the potty-dance through this whole post)
Drink your water and be healthy, loves.
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