i'm chelseakate. my daddy calls me boj. thanks for visiting. enjoy. xoxo.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Do you think I'd be a cute nerd? 

I think I am going to take up nerd-ism. 

No, I don't think I am. I know I am.

While I was sitting in Ethics and Values today at school, I had a great epiphany come to me...probably like the epiphanies Socrates believed he frequently received. {yep, believe it or not i listen in school} So what was this epiphany, you might ask? Simple. I, Chelsea Kate Walker, need to turn nerd.

Well what does that mean?

Again, its quite simple. I'm going to become quite school-y. Meaning that I am going to do my homework during the day {not after midnight} and do everything in my power to love it. I'm going to study, lots, too. Guess what else? I'm going to take up doing the extra credit assignments. Classic nerd (: I'm lovin' it. Feel free to be jealous. I wouldn't blame you.

I'll admit, I've always envied people like this. So I'm proudly jumping on the bandwagon. 

Imma work hard and get my nerd on. Now all I need are some strangely large classes, a fanny-pack, suspenders and pants that don't fit right. Mmmm.

Hellllooooooo A's!

Hellloooooo sooner graduation!

Hellllooooo happy parents!

Helllloooooo legit Chelsea!

Ooh, baby. This is gonna be gooood.


  1. Until you can quote star wars in its entirety, you may not cross the threshold into nerdom... but I like the way you think! Welcome to the dark side! (:

  2. Alright, I'll get workin' on the Star Wars stuff (:
